
Chinese and Cantonese Dictionaries.
Developed for Windows 10.

Chinese Dictionary

The 101dict Chinese Dictionary is a dictionary with more than 200,000 entries and translations in English, German, French, and Hungarian based on CC-CEDICT, HanDeDict, CFDICT, CHDICT, and CC-Canto plus additional features like HSK and TOCFL vocabulary lists and stroke order animation for Chinese characters.
A free trial is available.

Cantonese Dictionary

The 101dict Cantonese Dictionary is a dictionary with more than 100,000 entries and translations in English, German, French, and Hungarian based on CC-Canto, CC-CEDICT, HanDeDict, CFDICT, and CHDICT plus additional features like HSK and TOCFL vocabulary lists and stroke order animation for Chinese characters.
A free trial is available.

Character Dictionary

The 101dict Character Dictionary provides detailed information about more than 9,500 Chinese characters such as English, German, French or Hungarian translations, Unihan data, or stroke order animation. Characters can be searched using Pinyin, Zhuyin (Bopomofo), Jyutping, or English, German, French, and Hungarian headwords.
A free trial is available.

Multilingual Translations

All dictionaries contain translations into English, German, French, and Hungarian based on the free dictionaries CC-CEDICT, CC-Canto, HanDeDict, CFDICT, and CHDICT. You can configure which languages are displayed as translations.

Stroke Order Animation

For more than 9,000 simplified and traditional Chinese characters, stroke order animations are available. Ideal for learning, for beginners as well as for advanced learners.